Wednesday, April 18, 2007

24 and there's so much more

you score 2 cool points if you know what song that's from.

happy birthday mee. whee!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well old man.
better take a look at yer life cause...
now you're a lot like me (as in 24)

also, it's not your birthday yet on this side of the world.

but happy unbirthday, and hope it's another merry one in another foreign land.

love k

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wait, i hope it's MERRIER than the last one spent in a foreign hospital in a foreign land.

my bad.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

live alone in a paradise that makes you think of truth.

Happy B-day. See you soon

11:56 PM  
Blogger wintergonesummer said...

happy birthday natalie!

ah, neil young. two more cool points for my collection. YESSS!

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ms. Natalie!

24's been good so far. You know those pains in your stomach after eating spicy foods? They've gone away!


4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday! I know it was yesterday, but I forgot to post a birthday message. BUT I did write it down on my calendar... Alright no points for me (and I didn't know the song...sigh) but mega birthday points for you!

See you soon!


8:47 AM  

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