Wednesday, February 21, 2007

and now for some lovely parting gifts!

it's important to have traditions to cherish and celebrate with those you love. for example, federico and i enjoy getting violently ill whenever we see each other. it's important to honour such special times and remember where you came from.

i personally have been enjoying some lovely parting gifts from india. a spirited tag team of giardia and ecoli flared up for a week or so to bring me a 39.4 degree fever, soak-through-to-the-mattress night sweats and stabbing pains in my right side. jumped through (well, crawled through is probably more accurate) some beaurocratic hoops set up by canadian and italian health care professionals and now i´m feeling right as rain. that's why i love india- it is a land of such unbridled generosity, even so long after i've been gone. it is a love i will feel in my heart and intestines for a long long time. thanks india, it's been swell.

let's hope that italy proves slightly less infectious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Natalie!

Here I was about to write you a slightly miffed note to demand that you get out of bed and share some news with us, only to hear that you've been violently ill and unable to leave said bed! Sincere apologies!

I'm glad you've overcome the coup staged by your innards. Don't let those wiggly bastards get you down. I learned how to say that in Latin in second year (Jarrad asked me to, I swear) and I've since learned how it works. It's actually a very complicated and compact little statement. Ah Latin, how great you are for small talk.

Do you have big plans for celebrating your victory over illness? Do something triumphant. Romans were all about victorius processions. You should make a parade down the street, displaying your return to health (a wealth of sorts) and dragging your conquered illness behind you by the throat (I suppose that will have to be metaphorical). Then shout out the tale of your triumph to the rooftops (better have Federico do it so that you don't look crazier than necessary). If there's a chariot available then so much the better. How I wish I could join you!

You're not missing anything here at all darling, so get back to having fun!

kisses (one per cheek to be precise),


3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot:

It's "Illegitimi non carborundum" in case you wondered.

3:49 PM  

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