...and Zooey
"My God, it would take Christ himself to decide what's ego and what isn't. This is God's universe, buddy, not yours, and he has the final say about what's ego and what isn't. What about your beloved Epictetus? Or your beloved Emily Dickinson? You want your Emily, every time she has an urge to write a poem, to just sit down and say a prayer till her nasty, egotistical urge goes away? No, of course you don't!...half the nastiness in the world is stirred up by people who aren't using their true egos."
What about your beloved J.D. Salinger?
What about your beloved J.D. Salinger?
"true ego"?
he says it's hard/impossible to pick out what is ego and what isn't, but then how do we understand what is true ego and what isn't?
(more thoughts but none coming to words right now)
He says that only Christ/God can determine ego... is it a way of saying that our true egos are all tied up with God?
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