Friday, November 03, 2006

natalie's cheap-ass guide to the push(and shove)kar camel fair

so rumors are that you can sleep in some sort of tent on a roof for cheap... however, if you're stingey like me, the thought of getting stuck in pushkar and paying 1000 Rs to sleep in a closet isn't too appetizing. so in high and far-off times, o best beloved, this is what you do:

1. awake at 4:45 in the morning (this may be the hardest step)
2. catch general train to ajmer and enjoy a chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo sunrise
3. catch local bus to pushkar
4. prance about in wonder and glee
5. keep vigilant watch for five legged cows wearing tinsel and wandering about with saddhus (guess where the fifth leg grows! just guess!)
6. eat only snack food including deep fried chappattis floating in a vast cauldron of syrup
7. dont buy the shiney things! ok, just a feeeeeeew shiney things....
8. don't buy the baby camel. dont do it. but he's so sweet.... and look at all the sweet little outfits they're selling that you could dress him in.... no! leave the auction lot immediately! but it's less than 100 CAD.... no!
9. frantically repeat process, sprinting through the train station and shoving old ladies
10. lather, rinse, repeat as desired.

and it was just so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie.

It's been some time since I've written. Apologies, apologies. All I seem to do these days is apologize!

But no more complaints because I am fairly happy. I live in Vancouver now too, did you know? Are you flying back into Vancouver airport? If so, there is a comfy couch or shared bed with your name on it.

Self-restraint and shiny things don't go well together, but I admire you for trying. I would have taken home all the wares from the Florence market if I could have.

Ohhhhh the fifth leg! Mini and I saw many a fifth leg on Spanish donkeys. Hilarity always ensued, especially when a Spaniard struggling his way through English shook my sleeve and said excitedly "the donkey, he, he take her dick out!"

God I miss travelling. And you.


12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the thing is that in india lots of the cows actually do have 5 legs, or at least are covered in purple, and there are people with forked arms and even one califlower man.
its like what the old growth forest does to its trees but instead of lots of water, lovin and moisture there's pesticides, rampant faith and car accidents...

and natalie;

india please stop trying to kill me sounds like the start of an allan ginsberg poem;
india, please stop trying to kill me
india, with all your naked saddhus,
your topless temples, your dusty rikshaws

sorry allen


12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhh- yah, that wasn't a penis joke.... they really have five legs, if anyone is confused (and aren't we all now?).

Ooh, I’ve been dazed and confused; so long it’s not true
I wanted a woman, never bargained for you
Lots of people talking, few of them know,
Soul of a woman was created below.


12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhh- yah, that wasn't a penis joke.... they really have five legs, if anyone is confused (and aren't we all now?).

Ooh, I’ve been dazed and confused; so long it’s not true
I wanted a woman, never bargained for you
Lots of people talking, few of them know,
Soul of a woman was created below.


12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay okay much much much debate what day is it you arrive here? Monday or wed or othe next wed.... perhapes it is best to give dates.....

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"if you're still interested, my flight is on november 19th, i arrive in vancouver on the 20th at 11 a.m. singapore airlines, flight sq07."

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then kristy you are the sillyest thing around

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you like my spelling of "sillyest"

6:17 PM  

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