the 60th blog post
full moon-eclipse moon-red moon-full moon: federico and i saw our second lunar eclipse together. incidentally, that makes my second lunar eclipse in total.
in the family: two cats live in the house. there is tazio (aka bruto bagarspo sp?), a long haired rag doll with blue crossed-eyes and the unfortunate habit of hitting his head on pretty much everything. cats of this breed crave sociability and will die if left alone. this leads to many morning wake ups with his giant fuzz head trying aggressively to get under the blankets with me. he likes getting strangled and being thrown around in the air. and there is ombre (aka princess, string ninja, little goat, ookpik cat) a little grey cat who looks innocent but sometimes i'm not sure... she likes to do yoga with me and demands about an hour of playing with string everyday, especially fun as i try to make hemp jewellery. federico's mum loves these cats. they are in the family. the only rule: never ever let them outside (even if tazio cries to get at the hot little in-heat kitties who parade outside the door-he's castrated so he wouldn' have much luck anyway). so guess wholeft the goddamn door ajar? yup. ombre streaked back and forth like a fuzzy bullet with a freaked-out puff tail. tazio immediately tried to join the outside cat society of 20 or so members. i nearly had a heart attack. o god. bad natalie.
did i just write that much about cats? o dear. perhaps we should turn for a moment to something more serious. you should go to my link for economist- there's a very interesting article up this month.
i will assume from the lack of blog posts that the weather out in canada is beautiful and life is good.
full moon-eclipse moon-red moon-full moon
in the family: two cats live in the house. there is tazio (aka bruto bagarspo sp?), a long haired rag doll with blue crossed-eyes and the unfortunate habit of hitting his head on pretty much everything. cats of this breed crave sociability and will die if left alone. this leads to many morning wake ups with his giant fuzz head trying aggressively to get under the blankets with me. he likes getting strangled and being thrown around in the air. and there is ombre (aka princess, string ninja, little goat, ookpik cat) a little grey cat who looks innocent but sometimes i'm not sure... she likes to do yoga with me and demands about an hour of playing with string everyday, especially fun as i try to make hemp jewellery. federico's mum loves these cats. they are in the family. the only rule: never ever let them outside (even if tazio cries to get at the hot little in-heat kitties who parade outside the door-he's castrated so he wouldn' have much luck anyway). so guess wholeft the goddamn door ajar? yup. ombre streaked back and forth like a fuzzy bullet with a freaked-out puff tail. tazio immediately tried to join the outside cat society of 20 or so members. i nearly had a heart attack. o god. bad natalie.
did i just write that much about cats? o dear. perhaps we should turn for a moment to something more serious. you should go to my link for economist- there's a very interesting article up this month.
i will assume from the lack of blog posts that the weather out in canada is beautiful and life is good.
full moon-eclipse moon-red moon-full moon
... and we assume from your lack of posts that you and federico are doing lots of respectable things together...
tee hee, Vanessa is sassy! Things are good. We got rid of the futon because Jarrad broke out in hives. Room 2.01 is now even more yoga compatible and demands dinners be eaten on the floor and that Jarrad finger paint all over the hard wood.
and you are right. the sun shines sporatically, the cherry blossoms are out in victoria, and life is indeed good.
miss you.
p.s. awww...cute little kitties. ohjobojobo.
Didn't we see a lunar eclipse at some point in some vehicle driving down some road.
i tried to see the luner eclipes- stayed up hoping the sky would clear just long enough.... but no
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