Monday, February 22, 2010

soham soham soham sivoham

the process of re-entering the world has been interesting. going from a life of relative purity and great regularity to wandering the filthy streets of varanasi has been a bit difficult. the body is not responding overly well to the process of re-toxification. especially thanks to the very poor air quality and one crappy thali. damn you crappy thali! but i'm taking it all in stride.

yesterday i got to go into the viswanath jyotir lingam mandir and it was a very powerful experience. i'd never gone before, because i thought it was off -limits for foreigners. apparently just have to go through the right gate and register with your passport... so that was quite amazing. lucky for me to have gael here, who knows varanasi very well. this is how you learn the good things.

so yes, things are going very nicely, but i can't believe i only have 10 days or so left. what the hell am i going to do when i get back to canada?

so it goes, so it goes, so it goes.

soham soham soham sivoham


Anonymous Indrani said...

Oh you have a fabulous, hilariously dry sense of humor, I LOVE IT!! I can so relate and share in your frustration, amazement and bewilderment. All i can say is, well i am actually speechless. Your heart will guide you. It is amazing the blessings that are present, to experience the mahasamadhi of a great yogi is no small thing. let the wind carry you, let the water soothe you, let the beautiful green of the trees and the fresh air bathe you in light. Much love to you and smooth sailing my friend! Keep in touch, Ill be in vancouver this weekend for a havan! Indrani

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Yogachakra said...

Namo Narayan, My name is Yogachakra. I'm a disciple of P. Niranjanananda. I just found your weblog & I love it! It took me right back into Paha gang, Viswanath Jyotir Lingam Mandir, & into those beautiful swan arms of Niranjan. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to lots of wonderful reading about your adventures. om, x

2:59 AM  

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