Thursday, July 20, 2006

poo la la

it smells like urine, they're speaking french.... but pondicherry sure aint paris!

i've been trying to indulge in continental delights. coffee, pasta, wine, beer, french bread... but it's just not working out. instead i'm living the clean life, yoga every day, eating sattvic food at the sri aurobindo ashram dining hall (60 cents a day for a meal voucher that gets you breakfast, lunch and dinner- brown rice, brown bread, fruit and fresh veggies, mmmm!) and generally being healthy and well-balanced. i came here thinking that having something fancy for once would be fabulous but, now that i'm here, none of it seems so appealing....what gives?

am i changing?

when i re-entered india from sri lanka they didn't belive that my passport was mine. it took two people to confirm and even then it was based mostly around the lip ring (or so i guess from the grotesque expressions and lip-pulling they did). when i showed people at the ashram my passport and driver's license they didn't believe it was me. they asked what happened to my long hair and "chubby" cheeks. it's a little disconcerting. i wonder what they'd think now, as i just cut my hair off again, even shorter than last time...

does anyone remember when i first met jarrad and didn't like him because he was reading an economics textbook, barefoot under a tree? well, jarry, yesterday i sat in the park, barefoot under a tree and read pedagogy of the oppressed. but you're still a pretentious bastard. hmrah.

tomorrow i am going to the community of the future to view their resplendent geodesic dome. i'll let you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


driver's licence?

6:41 AM  
Blogger immutabler said...


you never let us know about the dome.

1:09 PM  

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