Wednesday, June 14, 2006

John Tesh- always good for a chuckle

"I have the exact words you should be saying to your partner to get closer."
- John Tesh
The world just wouldn't be the same without John Tesh.

For those of you who don't know dc, he's a genius madman who i love for sending gems like this, no ornamentation, no gimmicks, straight into my email inbox. shazam! you're a good man, mr. coats.

so my time is up in cochin. a pleasant place but with an unfortunate abundance of roadkill. why here more than other places? i don't get it, because the streets are comparatively quiet... no one should ever have to se dead kittens. really, it sucks. also, there's an unfortunate reek of dead sea life here due to the large chinese fishing nets set up along promenade. while extremely cool structures in and of themselves, resembling humungous creepy witch's hands operated by four men, one must remember that each and every one of these is an apparatus of evil. and besides, even if you DO like to eat dead creatures, the water here is the sludgiest, dirtiest, most industrially contaminated that i have ever seen. would YOU want to eat something that had to live in that? nope. me either. and yet fat white people seem to drop rupees like they're on fire whenever they saunter past a fish stand.

despite these sad facts, cochin remains a nice city for wandering through, which for me lead to getting lost every damn day in the muslim district but always somehow finding my way out. "hmm, ok, when i started the sun was on my left hand side so if i turn down this alleyway...hmm..." i hence discovered 5 or 6 seperate mosques. a little smelling tour through the spice markets was pleasing, culminating in the viewing of a synagogue which seems as out of place here as i do. and i saw the world's largest varpu. yah, that's right, be jealous! suckers, no varpu for you. i went to se some kathakali dance, which was depressingly shortened for us loser tourists, but really interesting to see. i wish i could see a real 8 hour performance but i don't think it's likely to happen. today i went to a neighbouring island purely because riding the ferry boats are fun. 25 rupee thali every day can't be beat. also, my medical insurance claim from two months ago is finally settled. i danced about in my hotel room for a brief period of time after hearing that happy news. so all in all, nothing profound to report, but life is good.

headin' to the ashram. headin' to the ashram'. gonna get my meditate on. yeeeah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guarantee, you'll never get those songs out of your head. i still find myself mumblejumbling about jaya fuckin ganesha in the shower with a dopey smile on my face like some stoned hari krishna-ite.

be aware, my child.

4:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nat oh nat.... where are you?.... have you gotten my emails?!


10:15 PM  

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