o great white north, o land of the silver birch!
last night i stayed up with eb, jarrad and kristy watching david lynch and eating homemade pie. after 3 hours of sleep i arose to go shower and feed grant's 2 legged cat (the incomparable and incomprehensible margle). i then headed over to eb's where we rendezvous'd with a man named tony who drove us to a farm up island. there we watched naked people painted all white be birthed from the tall meadow grasses and proceed to dance around in a style called butoh, an avante garde japanese dance form. we returned home and i wobbled fitfully in and out of sunny sleep.
this weeekend has been somewhat indicative of my mind set at the moment. happy amongst friends and familiar territory, but at the same time confused, disconnected and a little overwhelmed at this world. it's so strange to imagine the life i was living in india not so many days ago and to compare it with my current situation. it almost feels like half of the equation is a fiction, a dream, but i don't know which half. somehow i felt more grounded living a solitary life in a far off land than i do in the place where i spent so many happy years. strange.