Tuesday, September 19, 2006

smellhi? yellhi? hellhi? DELHI!!!!

took the metro for the first time in delhi. it was like being in the future, TODAY! clean, cool and modern. then i saw the police getting off a packed train leading a convict with a rope around his wrists. priceless. reminded me of the sign in the calcutta metro: it is illegal to transport a dead body on the metro. ha.

hooray, i am leaving in a few hours, back to beautiful uttaranchal for a week or so... nainital, almora, and then? well, that's where things get sticky...

this post is all about bidnass. i changed my flight. again. i know. i know. i was told that last time was the last acceptable time and i believed it myself. but well, things came up... so i know, i am blacklisted by y'all. rightly so.

if you're still interested, my flight is on november 19th, i arrive in vancouver on the 20th at 11 a.m. singapore airlines, flight sq07.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

said octopus to octopi: love and 8 armed hugs for all

reaching out my tender tentacles after so long away. the road is long and the road is strange.

ladakh is the quietest place on earth. it eats your words and takes your breath. how can the world be such a beautiful place?

hitchhiking on horse carts, riding on the roof of the bus and listening to led zeppelin and the doors while crossing from mountain desert into the emerald in india's crown.

spent a week on dal lake in shrinagar floating with the loti and listening to prayers across the water. why are there no chawal, subji and chappatti lakes?

down through the golden temple in amritsar for the second time, as amazed now as i was when i first came to india. an opening of the heart as pleasant as sinking into an old easy chair. luckily not a chair like smelly old hortence (i miss you hortence!) .

and then suddenly... a train today carrying me from wheatfields into the slums, contaminated "water", mountains of trash and the jittery filth of par ganj, new delhi. hot as hell. crowded as hell. i'm travelling with an italian man and trying decide what comes next. perhaps i'll let you know tomorrow. internet here is as fast as hungry pony.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

headed to kashmir tomorrow. they say that there the sky is leaking.... will i come back with blue eyes?

thanks for reading this occasionally, you are very dear to me.